When 1?g/ml doxycycline was added to COS-7 S10 cells, the increase in S100P peaked at 24?h and remained constant for at least 72?h without effect on the expression of tubulin and non-expression of NMIIA (Physique 1C,D)
When 1?g/ml doxycycline was added to COS-7 S10 cells, the increase in S100P peaked at 24?h and remained constant for at least 72?h without effect on the expression of tubulin and non-expression of NMIIA (Physique 1C,D). hypothesis we have established S100P-inducible cell lines from COS-7 cells which have been reported to contain no NMIIA [28] and analyzed the effects of S100P on cell migration and the possible involvement of the microtubular machinery in this NMIIA-deficient as well as in an NMIIA-intact cell system. Materials and methods Ginsenoside F1 Cell lines and cell migration assay Rama 37 and S100P-inducible Rama 37, HeLa and S100P-inducible HeLa cells were produced and cultured as explained previously [28]. The COS-7 monkey kidney cell collection was obtained from ATCC cell lender and was reported to contain no NMIIA [28]. S100P-inducible COS-7 cells were generated as before for HeLa cells [10] with 2 plasmids: pBTE to express the doxycycline regulatory element rHTA2(s)-m2 and pTRE-ins to express Ginsenoside F1 the target protein [29]. Three inducible clones derived from the COS-7 cells were termed COS-7 S7, S10 and S23. The concentration of doxycycline and the incubation period were optimised at 1g/ml and 24h for all the inductions and the level remained constant for at least a further 48?h. All cell lines are clonal in origin and hence have the same genetic background. They are used within five passages or about 15 generations to reduce variability due to spontaneous transformations. Cell migration assays were performed using Boyden chamber transwells separated by a membrane with 8m diameter pores, as described previously [10]. Usually, the cells were plated in Transwells and separately in 24 well plates without or with 1? g/ml doxycycline and experiments terminated after 24?h incubation. The upper side of the membrane in the transwells was wiped clean, the lower side stained with Quick-Diff Kit (Polysciences, Germany) and the number of migrating cells counted (M). The total numbers of cells in the wells for growth control (G) were also counted using a cell counter. Cell migration rate (%)?=?M/G??100. In order to standardise results between different experiments, the cell collection controls were usually set to 100% migration and changes relative to their value were shown for most results. To test the effects of tubulin peptides on S100P-enhanced cell migration, 20?M peptides tagged for cell entry were added 8?h after doxycycline-induction of S100P-inducible COS-7 cells in the Transwells, remaining procedures were the same as above. There was no discernable reduction in cell figures around the membranes of parallel wells Acta2 to those measuring transmembrane migration due to possible toxicity of tagged peptides, nor increase due to overexpression of S100P in agreement with a previous statement [10]. Cell adhesion assays For kinetics of attachment either HeLa-A3 or Ginsenoside F1 COS-7 S10 cells were induced with 1?g/ml doxycycline 48?h prior to Ginsenoside F1 experiment and 2??105 uninduced or induced cells in 1?ml were added to Ginsenoside F1 24 well tissue culture dishes and allowed to adhere at 37C. At the given time (30?min to 2?h) cells were washed 2 with PBS and detached with 250?l 0.05% (w/v) trypsin in versene for 5?min at 37C, neutralised in serum-containing media (SCM) [10], counted and the percent of seeded cells recorded. For strength of adhesion, the same cells were seeded in 24 well tissue culture dishes so as to yield 80% confluence in 24?h. In all cases identical dishes were set up for test and control. After 24?h, wells were washed 2 and detached with 250?l, 0.0125% (w/v) trypsin in versene for 5?min at 37C. Wells were then cautiously washed 2 to remove poor binders. Trypsin in versene (250?l of 0.05% (w/v)) was then added to both test dish and control dish for 5?min to remove all cells from your well, neutralised with SCM and counted. The proportion of cells remaining after the poor digestion step was determined from your ratio of results from test and control plates. All assays were performed in triplicate. Production of tubulin/fragments The coding sequences for full length (human) -tubulin and for N-terminal and C-terminal halves of or -tubulin were generated using PCR with specific primers shown in Supplementary Table S1.