Kisspeptin Receptor

Kisspeptin Receptor

When PFOs are incubated with lipid vesicles, the APF immunoreactivity increases in a time-dependent fashion, and the A11 immunoreactivity decreases coordinately, suggesting a precursor product relationship between the epitopes recognized by the two antibodies

When PFOs are incubated with lipid vesicles, the APF immunoreactivity increases in a time-dependent fashion, and the A11 immunoreactivity decreases coordinately, suggesting a precursor product

Kisspeptin Receptor

Although antithrombotic options for supplementary prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) have already been evaluated in scientific trials, studies in major prevention of asymptomatic aPL-positive individuals are needed

Although antithrombotic options for supplementary prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) have already been evaluated in scientific trials, studies in major prevention of asymptomatic aPL-positive individuals
